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题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. Use of English 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Writing

Section I  Listening Comprehension    (25 minutes)Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TWO parts in this section, Part A and Part B.  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answe

Part ADirections: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer ― A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:M: Hello, I’ d like to book a table for Tuesday evening.W: I’ m sorry. We are fully reserved for that evening. There’ s the birthday party. Would you consider another day? M: In that case, let’ s make it Wednesday evening at six. W: OK.

1. What does the man want to do?

A.Attend a private party.

B.Celebrate his birthday.

C.Cancel his reservation.

D.Reserve a dinner table.



听力原文:M: Shoot, no wonder it’ s no cooler than outside. You turned the air-condition off. W: Oh, something went wrong with it. But I called someone and they are on the way. M: Thank God. W: You can use the electric fan here. At least you can catch a breeze.

2. Whom are the speakers expecting to come soon?

A.A postman.

B.A salesman.

C.A repairman.

D.A policeman.



听力原文:M: Everybody is saying that we’ll be getting a new manager. W: Oh, why? Koren hasn’ t been in his post that long.M: I know. But it’ s all to do with a new business strategy the board wants to introduce.

3. How does the woman feel at the man’ s words?

A.She is excited.

B.She is worried.

C.She is satisfied.

D.She is surprised.



听力原文:M: Are you coming to the restaurant with us, Judy? W: I’ m sorry I can’ t. I’ ve got a splitting headache. M: Oh, is there anything that I can do?W: No. It’ s OK. I’ ve taken the medicine, and I’ll just stay in and lie down.

4. What will the woman do?

A.Go to bed for a rest.

B.Take some medicine.

C.Stay in with the man.

D.Eat out with the man.



听力原文:M: I still remember those good old days when people took pride in their work and built things to the last. W: Absolutely. Look at the things built nowadays. M: You’ re lucky if they don’t fall apart before you get them home.

5. What do the speakers think of products manufactured nowadays?

A.They are too expensive.

B.They are difficult to use.

C.They are of poor quality.

D.They are out of fashion.


听力原文:W: I’m going to look at new cars tomorrow. Why don’ t you come along? M: I’ d like to, but I don’ t want to be tempted. W: I’m sure you could get a good deal. M: Yes, but I can barely afford a new car right now.

6. What do we learn about the man from the dialogue?

A.He doesn’ t need a car.

B.He’ s just got a good deal.

C.He’ s just bought a new car.

D.He doesn’t have enough money.



听力原文:W: What do you think of Frank?M: He’ s all right, but he seems to have no backbone.W: Why do you say that?M: Whenever things get tough, he gives in.

7. What does the man think of Frank?

A.He is dependable.

B.He is weak-minded.

C.He is a tough person.

D.He is a flexible person.



听力原文:W: John, thank you for organizing yesterday’ s trip to the seaside for the old folk. M: They all seemed to enjoy it, didn’t they? W: Certainly, I don’ t think you could have done it better. M: Thank you, but there was still room for improvement.

8. What is the woman doing according to the dialogue?

A.Arranging a seaside trip for old people.

B.Expressing her thanks to the trip organizer.

C.Complaining about yesterday’ s seaside trip.

D.Asking the trip organizer to improve his work.



听力原文:M: I was locked in last night.W: What do you mean by “locked in”?M: Well, my roommate thought I was out, so when he left, he locked the door from the outside. W: Then how did you get out? M: I called my neighbor and gave him the key from the inside.

9. What do we learn about the man last night?

A.He couldn’ t get out of his room.

B.He left his key with his roommate.

C.He couldn’t find the key to his room.

D.He helped his neighbor break the lock.



听力原文:W: Wait, Tom. Don’ t start painting the ceiling now. Your glasses will be spoiled. M: You mean I must take them off?W: No, you don’ t have to. Just press the plastic wrap on them, and you can still see.

10. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Clean his glasses after painting.

B.Take off his glasses before painting.

C.Press the plastic wrap on the ceiling.

D.Cover his glasses with the plastic wrap.


Part BDirections: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:W: Mr. Johnson, when did you know you wanted to start your business? M: My family settled down in Canada in 1986 where a lot of friends’ parents have successful businesses. It seemed so cool, so when in high school, I became interested in business. W: How did you finance your company?M: We’ ve raised our money from some friends. We are finally profitable. I own 6% of the company. All employees can get stock options. W: What aspects of your life are green? M: I am only mildly green. I don’t drive. I’ m a huge biker. I crossed Canada on my bike. W: What’ s the biggest mistake you’ ve made?M: We are always doing something wrong, but that will allow us to learn and grow. When we first started out, we did all the manufacturing ourselves. But that was a mistake. Now we work with contract manufactures. We provide the raw materials, the product development and the design. They provide the manufacturing skills and pay us a licensing fee.W: Was it tough to negotiate partnerships with large companies?M: It was easy, because it’ s such a great win for them. With big companies if you create something that solves the problem like what to do with tons of garbage, they will make it happen.

11. Where did the man get the money for his company?

A.From a bank.

B.From his father.

C.From his friends.

D.From his employees.


12. What mistake does the man say his company made?

A.It charged no licensing fee.

B.It neglected product design.

C.It ignored negotiating skills.

D.It did all the manufacturing itself.


13. What does the man think of large companies?

A.They are tough to work with.

B.They welcome creative ideas.

C.They recycle lots of garbage.

D.They are good at manufacturing.



听力原文:W: OK, Mr. Wang. Let’ s get started. Could you tell me a bit about yourself?M: Certainly, I took a science degree in physics. But I didn’ t want to stay in that field, so I took a master’ s degree in marketing.W: I see. And since then you’ ve been working for a design company?M: Right. With Magna Design for three years now. I think it’s time to move on.W: Why do you think so?M: Well, it’ s been a very interesting three years and I’ ve learned a lot, but it’ s a very small company and I’ m looking for more of challenge.W: So you think we can offer you that?M: I hope so. Certainly, the job of international marketing director seems to be what I am looking for. As you can see from my application I can speak English, Japanese and a bit of German.W: Yes, that could be useful to us. Do you think you have enough experience for this post? After all, you have only three years of marketing behind you.M: I know that doesn’ t seem like much, but I was playing a leading role with Magna Design. It is a small company, so I was given a lot of responsibilities.W: Such as?M: I was in charge of developing a marketing plan for the company.W: That sounds very impressive.

14. What was the man’ s major as an undergraduate?



C.Fashion design.

D.International trade.


15. What does the man think of his job in Magna Design?






16. What does the man expect from a new job?

A.A quicker promotion.

B.Greater success.

C.More responsibilities.

D.More challenges.


17. What job is the man applying for?

A.Art designer.

B.Assistant manager.

C.German translator.

D.Marketing director.


听力原文:W: Well, what did Edward want anyway?M: Oh, he wanted to know if he could borrow my notes from Monday’ s chemistry class. He’ s worried about the exam we have on Friday morning, and he is hoping I’ll rescue him by letting him get a copy of my notes. I told him “No” , but he wouldn’ t let it drop.W: Well, it’ s none of my business, but why are you so upset about it? I think it’ s normal to ask someone to borrow their notes if you have to miss a class. That’ s the responsible thing to do. He probably asked you because he knows you are one of the strongest students in class. Besides, are you his friends?M. Yeah, we are friends And I don’ t have any problem helping people who need to miss class. I let you borrow my notes before the last exam , didn’ t I ? Well, yeah, and I’ ve had to get help from other people before. But I happened to know that Edward missed class last week because he went to a concert with a friend, not because he was sick or anything like that. Who will spend so much time on his notes so other people can go and have fun?

18. What did Edward want the man to do?

A.To lend him his class notes.

B.To help him go over the last class.

C.To ask leave for him next Monday.

D.To copy the class handouts for him.


19. Why is the man so upset?

A.He has trouble with his chemistry.

B.He has trouble with his classmates.

C.He had to miss his chemistry class.

D.He had to reject his friend’ s request.


20. Why was Edward absent from his chemistry class?

A.He went to a concert.

B.He went to see a friend.

C.He went to see a doctor.

D.He went to a funny show.


21. What do we learn about the man?

A.He’ s a man of humor.

B.He’ s a man of ambition.

C.He’ s a man of principle.

D.He’ s a man of sympathy.


听力原文:W: Good evening. This is Miss Know It All for today’ s program. We have Mr. Brian Smith, a travel agent. Mr. Smith, you have some exciting vacations to recommend, don’ t you?M: Yes, coffee vacations. Coffee has come a long way since it was sold in cans. But many coffee drinkers still haven’ t recognized that a good cup of coffee should be treated like a fine wine, rolled on the tongue and slowly enjoyed. For developing your passion for coffee, what is better than taking a holiday devoted to this wonderful bean.W: Our listeners must be interested, but where can they go?M: They have several choices. The twelve-day tour of the coffee birth place in Ethiopia explores the living history of coffee. It’ s $ 1,988 per person. Or they can go to the seven-day coffee house tour in Italy. That’ s $ 1,800 per person. There is also a nine-day women in coffee tour in Peru, making stops at female-owned coffee farms, $ 1,895 per person.W: These are all long vacations. Do you have a short one for a weekend or so?M: Hawaii will be the perfect choice. Each of its five major islands sponsors coffee events, from the annual Kona Festival to a scenic coffee-farm driving tour. Just two days, $ 100 per person.W: Thank you, Mr. Smith.

22. What does Smith say about coffee?

A.It should be sold in cans.

B.It should be drunk slowly.

C.It should be long stored for better taste.

D.It should be enjoyed together with wine.


23. What is the price of a coffee vacation per person in Italy?






24. How many days does the tour in Peru last?






25. What can vacationers do in Hawaii?

A.Go on a coffee-farm driving tour.

B.Visit female-owned coffee farms.

C.See several different coffee houses.

D.Explore the living history of coffee.


Section II Use of English    (15 minutes)Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

   In the United States today, families basically have two contrasting attitudes toward television. Many families【C1】      the television to be on at any time of the day or night. Very often,【C2】      of these families watch television【C3】      or don’ t interact with other family members【C4】      they are watching. The TV is used to make【C5】      kind of background noise in the house,【C6】      as a kind of electronic babysitter. Parents often turn it on to【C7】      ”bored” children. In contrast, other families【C8】      control when the television will be watched and what programs can be watched.【C9】      these families watch programs together and discuss them together. In these homes, the TV is rarely on【C10】      nobody is watching it. Parents don’ t use it as an electronic babysitter:【C11】      , they insist that children read or play【C12】      rather than sit in front of a screen.    【C13】      the contrasting attitudes toward television【C14】      , families in America are choosing television【C15】      other passive activities, such as watching movies, playing video games, and surfing the Web【C16】      regularity that has never happened before. These activities are【C17】      in their inactivity. Family members—young and old—watch rather than【C18】      . These passive forms of entertainment【C19】      , rather than encourage, family【C20】      and community involvement.


26. 【C1】






解析:本题考查的是固定用法。“allow…to do…”表示“允许做某事”,该句意为“都让电视开着”。故选A。  

27. 【C2】






解析:本题考查的是固定用法。“members of these families”表示“家庭成员”,故选B。  

28. 【C3】







29. 【C4】







30. 【C5】






解析:本题考查的是固定用法。“some kind”表示“某种”,故选C。  

31. 【C6】







32. 【C7】






解析:本题考查上下文语义的衔接。此处是说“父母常打开电视来吸引孩子的兴趣”。“entertain sb.”表示使人娱乐,符合题意。故选B。  

33. 【C8】







34. 【C9】







35. 【C10】


B.even if


D.so that



36. 【C11】







37. 【C12】







38. 【C13】

A.Because of

B.In place of

C.In spite of

D.Speaking of


解析:本题考查上下文语义的衔接。此处意为“尽管对于观看电视存在着不同的观点”,四个选项中,只有“in spite of”表示让步关系,故选C。  

39. 【C14】






解析:本题考查是固定用法。“television viewing”表示“观看电视”,故选A。  

40. 【C15】







41. 【C16】






解析:本题考查固定用法。“with regularity”表示“定期;有规律地”,该句意为“这些活动包括定期看电影、玩电子游戏和上网”。故选A。  

42. 【C17】






解析:本题考查形容词词义辨析。这里是说“这些活动的相似点在于其被动性”。选项中,“common”表示“共有的”;“similar”表示“相似的,类似的”,而且“be similar in…”是固定搭配。故选D。  

43. 【C18】







44. 【C19】







45. 【C20】






解析:本题考查上下文语义的衔接。由该句可知:“这些被动形式的娱乐不但没有加强反而减弱了家庭互动和社区参与”。“family interaction”意为“家庭互动”,符合题意。故选B。  

Section III Reading Comprehension    (40 minutes)

Part ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

   Nisaburo and Hiroko Ohata are unlike most Japanese couples their age. Sure, Hiroko, 58, is worried about her husband’ s high blood pressure, while Nisaburo, 60, promises his wife that if she loses 18 pounds they’ll take a trip abroad. What makes the Ohatas different is how they met, through a matchmaking organization for single seniors. “On the second date, he asked if I wanted to meet his family,” says Hiroko. “I took that as a proposal. “ A little rushed, perhaps, but 17 years after his wife’ s death, Nisaburo knew he’ d found a new wife. The couple just celebrated four years of marital happiness last month.    In the past, people like Nisaburo and Hiroko might have chosen to live out their lives alone. But as Japan’ s society ages, attitudes about love and remarriage late in life are changing. In 2006, according to government data, three times more men and nearly five times more women in their 60s and 70s married for at least the second time, compared with 20 years before.    Granted, change is slow. For this silver-haired population, the concept of “dating” is still masked by the term ocha nomi tomodachi(friends having tea together). And older people often need help meeting prospective mates. That’ s where specialized matchmaking services such as Ai Senior—”Love Senior”—come in. When Shunichi Ikeda started the online service three years ago, he was surprised by how many visits he was getting from people in their 60s.    Ikeda says that his clients have an “American perspective” about the dating scene. And their children are often very supportive, sometimes being the ones to register parents. “More older people are realizing that life is supposed to be enjoyable—not lonely,” says Ikeda. About 17% of the matchmaking clients in Japan are over 50 years old, according to Ai Senior, and seniors’ market share has more than doubled over the past three years.    “For older, single men, even doing laundry or cooking is difficult,” says Ikeda. “They want to live with a woman. Likewise, it can be boring for women living alone. They want to provide for someone. “


46. According to the writer, the Ohatas are different from most senior Japanese couples in that      .

A.they remarried with the help of an agency

B.they decided to marry on the second date

C.the husband suffers from a health problem

D.the wife is concerned about losing weight


解析:细节题。从文章第一段第三句话“What makes the Ohatasdifferent is how they met,through a matchmaking organization forsingle seniors.”可知:这对夫妻和同龄的日本夫妻相比,其特殊性在于他们是通过相亲机构介绍再婚的。故选A。  

47. As is implied in the text, Nisaburo’ s proposal on the second date might be considered      .

A.typical of single seniors

B.irresponsible to his family

C.a surprise to the woman

D.a decision made in haste


解析:推断题。从文章第一段第六句话“A little rushed,perhaps…”可知:Nisaburo第二次见面就提出面见家人有些仓促。故选D。  

48. In Japan, the change in attitudes about remarriage results from an increase in      .

A.its population

B.single women

C.senior people

D.the divorced


解析:细节题。从文章第二段第二句话“But as Japan’s societyages,attitudes about love and remarriage late in life are changing.”可知;但随着日本社会的老龄化,人们对爱情和老年再婚的态度也在改变。故选C。  

49. According to Ai Senior, the matchmaking clients in Japan      .

A.admire the American lifestyle

B.are mostly under 50 years of age

C.share a vague term for “dating”

D.doubled over the past three years


解析:细节题。从文章第四段第四句“…and seniors’marketshare has more than doubled over the past three years.”可知:老年人的市场份额已经比过去三年增加了一倍。故选D。  

50. According to Ikeda, more single seniors remarry in order to      .

A.live a longer life

B.solve financial problems

C.make their life enjoyable

D.support their children together


解析:细节题。从文章第四段第三句“‘More older people are re—alizing that life is supposed to be enjoyable--not lonely.’says Ike—da.”可知:在Ikeda看来,更多的老年人再婚是使他们的生活变得快乐。故选C。  


         When you become a parent, much of your focus shifts from your own future to your kids’ future. But one of the most effective ways to help your children learn to dream big is to ensure that your own dreams don’ t get pushed aside by everyday demands.    Our everyday experiences provide learning opportunities. When you tap into them, you create a lifelong learning habit that will always keep you growing. Even your most disappointing experiences can be turned into breakthroughs.    Every dream begins in the imagination. Take a few minutes to sit down with a notebook and think about where you would like to be in 20 years. Write down details about all aspects of your ideal life. Feel free to imagine. Don’t worry about whether vou know how to get there now—you have 20 years to figure that out. You can also start by picking a year in the future and making a collection of things you’ d like in your life by then. Check in on it from time to time to see where you’ ve made progress.    We’ re often encouraged to work on our weaknesses, but working on your strengths is easier and creates better results. For help of identifying them, ask some friends, or colleagues to write down what they most appreciate about you. They’ll enjoy doing this, and you’ll feel great when you read the responses. Once you know your strengths, you can put them to work to help you achieve your dreams.    Confidence is the foundation for all your other abilities. “Progress, not perfection” is a great saying to keep your confidence high. Every night, write down five achievements that happened that day. Big or small, it doesn’ t matter. If proper, add ideas for further progress and actions you can take to get started.    Find ways to add what you love to do to your life now. This will give you more energy and keep you connected with your bigger dreams. Making a list of old hobbies is a great way to restore your old passions. Things you’ re enthusiastic about come with their own store of energy. Connecting with them can give you a push when you most need it.


51. In order to help your children to dream big you must      .

A.fulfill everyday tasks

B.build your own career

C.keep your own dreams

D.make them look ahead


解析:细节题。由文章第一段的第二句“But one of the most ef-fective ways to help your chihtren learn to dream big is to ensure thatyour own dreams don’t get pushed aside by everyday demands.”可知:帮助孩子树立远大理想的最有效的方式之一是保证自己的梦想没有被日常生活所干扰。故选C。  

52. The writer suggests that, to begin your big dream, you should      .

A.stretch your imagination

B.have a best-laid plan for 20 years

C.recollect all your likes and dislikes

D.engage yourself in lifelong learning


解析:细节题。由文章第三段第一句“Every dream begins in theimagination.”可知:开始梦想的第一步是要展开想象。故选A。  

53. According to the writer, to achieve our dreams, we should      .

A.work on our strengths

B.develop our creativity

C.identify our weaknesses

D.seek advice from friends


解析:细节题。由文章第四段最后一句“Once you know yourstrengths,you can put them to work to help you achieve yourdreams.”可知:一旦找到了自己的优势,你就可以充分利用它们并实现自己的梦想。故选A。  

54. To keep high confidence, it is important for one to      .

A.take appropriate actions

B.notice his daily progress

C.try his best in everything

D.form new ideas every day


解析:推断题。由文章第五段第二句“‘Progress,not perfection’is a great saying to keep your confidence high.”可知:每天一点小进步是保持自信的重要途径。由此推断,为了保持高度自信,看见自己每天的进步是很重要的。故选B。  

55. The writer thinks that one can hold fast to his dream by      .

A.listing the details of his ideal life

B.improving some of his old hobbies

C.adding new ideas to his old dreams

D.energizing himself with old passions


解析:推断题。由文章最后一段第一句“Find ways to add whatyou love to do to your life now.”可知:现在就想办法把自己的兴趣融入自己的生活。同时,由该段最后两句“Things you’re enthusi—astic about come with their own store of energy.Connecting with themcan give you a push when you most need it.”可知:你所热衷的事情蕴含着巨大的能量。保持爱好会在你最需要的时候给予你动力。由此可以推断改进一些先前的爱好可以使人坚持梦想。故选B。  

   Commercial classical music radio in North America has changed dramatically over the past decade. The number of stations has shrunk very rapidly—many operators dropped the format in favor of something more profitable, like pop or rock, with their crazy youthful audience. But the availability of satellite radio, Internet streaming and digital technologies has introduced new options for classical fans.    In the city of Toronto, a familiar media player entered the tray last year: Moses Znaimer, 65, the famous brave television pioneer who was the driving force behind Toronto’ s CITY-TV. Eleven months ago, he took ownership of Classical 96. 3 FM, Canada’ s first and largest commercial classical station, which “re-launched” this month with some new on-air hosts, a totally new schedule, and more attention to singing art and less to full-length symphonies.    The popular station airs selections(usually no more than 10 to 15 minutes long)of greatest-hits classical works, 24 hours a day. This usually means single movements of larger works and other pieces, with commercial ads in between. The station may never be the preferred destination of highbrow classical fans, who seek full-length symphonies and operas. But this doesn’ t seem to trouble Znaimer, who says of his main competitor, CBC Radio Two: “ They play classical, and they do it well when they do it, but they don’ t do it all the time, and they’ re doing it less and less. “    Marilyn Gilbert, a Toronto artist manager, also makes a comparison to Canada’ s national broadcaster when she praises Znaimer’ s station: “Classical 96. 3 FM is very important for the community and the country, especially in view of the changes that are going on at CBC. “    Znaimer is best-known for his influential work in television, but he was also one of the creators of Cross Country Checkup, the longest-running show on CBC Radio. Today he calls Classical 96.3 FM “arguably the most successful of all classical music stations on the continent. At about 800,000 listeners per week, we are larger even than the New York Times classical station[WQXR-FM]. “ And under his excellent and creative leadership, the sound of the station has become livelier.


56. Many operators have dropped commercial classical radio in order to      .

A.make more profits

B.promote pop music

C.use new technology

D.attract classical fans


解析:细节题。从文章第一段第二句“…many operators droppedthe format in favor of something more profitable…”可知:许多电台放弃了原先的模式,转向利润更高的音乐类型。故选A。  

57. From the text we learn that Moses Znaimer wanted to      .

A.consolidate his position at Classical 96.3 FM

B.acquaint classical fans with some new radio stations

C.help expand Toronto’ s CITY-TV into a bigger business

D.make Classical 96.3 FM more satisfying to classical fans


解析:推断题。从文章第二段可知:渃拿摩负责了FM 96.3之后,使电台重新开播,并在主持人和节目计划方面做出了调整。同时,文章第三段,当渃拿摩谈及CBC Radio Two时,他认为“他们播放古典音乐,而且做得不错,但是没有一直这么做,他们做得越来越少”。由此可以推断渃拿摩主要想让FM 96.3更好地为喜欢古典音乐的听众服务.故选D.  

58. It can be inferred that Classical 96. 3 FM makes money by      .

A.attracting and broadcasting commercials

B.showing carefully selected programs

C.competing with CBC Radio Two

D.pleasing highbrow classical fans


解析:推断题。从文章第三段第二句“This usually means singlemovements of large works and other pieces,with commercial ads inbetween.”可知:该电台主要靠播送广告而盈利。故选A。  

59. Marilyn Gilbert believes Classical 96. 3 FM      .

A.encourages people to learn classical music

B.introduces a new idea to broadcasting reform

C.matters a lot to the community and the country

D.causes CBC to change its way of program arrangement


解析:细节题:从文章第四段“…Classical 96.3 FM is very im—portant for the community and the country…”可知:FM96.3对于社区和国家来说是很重要的。故选C。  

60. The success of Classical 96.3 FM lies in the fact that      .

A.it has reformed its traditional program style

B.it is more diverse than WQXR-FM in New York

C.it has attracted audiences of different age groups

D.it is the biggest broadcasting station on the continent


解析:推断题。从文章最后一段第二句“…the most successful ofall classical music stations on the continent…800,000 listeners perweek.we are larger even than the New York Times ”可知:该大洲所有古典音乐电台中最成功的,每周拥有800,000听众,我们甚至比纽约时报的古典乐台的听众都多。由此可以推断,FM 96.3成功的原因在于吸引不同年龄段的观众。故选C。  

Part BDirections: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

   Laura:    I think that I have to agree with you. The idea to surround yourself with good and successful people still rings true. The electronic age may aid contact and communication. However, it does not substitute for looking someone in the eye. One has to have that person-to-person feel to instinctively grasp inner character. I’ m sure that a combination of the two types of interaction will lend flavor to the future.    Mike:    I naturally tend to prefer face-to-face relationship building. However, having friends and business acquaintances all over the world, I find that tools such as Linkedln are quite useful. Both enable me to maintain old connections and make new connections with people I find I have something in common with. Learning how to use these vehicles is the key. I think we are presently in the process of doing just that.    Nick:    Just like what you have already mentioned, there is obviously a big difference between how people meet and interact on the net and in real world. What the network world offers is a more relaxed, fun, expressive place to be. I like social networking particularly because it offers me a chance to make a lot of friends. That social networking sites do not build long-lasting relationships is just a misconception.    Linda:    It is all about a combination of various networking sites, and, if you want to do business, just a few e-mail exchanges. That’ s how I get to know my clients. Face-to-face networking is not always possible for me. I have clients around the globe, 99% of whom I’ ve never met in person. People who oppose social-networking sites don’ t understand the real changes that have taken place in the last decade.    Helen:    Sure enough, social networks are used to reconnect with friends. But they are also a tool for getting your business recognized. They are great places to place ads or comments about your business, because they are open to the public to view. It can be used as a way to network with would-be consumers. It is a perfect way to promote your business to the widest range of people globally.    Now match the name of each person(61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.     Note: there are two extra statements.        Statements[A]I do not think that online friendships are short-lived.[B]Networking can make your companies better known.[C]I doubt if people could use networking vehicles properly.[D]To benefit from networking, you should learn how to use it.[E]To understand people better, you have to meet them in person.[F]Social networking reflects the new demands of the changing time.[G]In my opinion, networking has more disadvantages than advantages.


61. Laura



62. Mike



63. Nick



64. Linda



65. Helen



Section IV Writing    (40 minutes)Directions: You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Part A

66. You want to invite John Smith, your former English teacher, to attend a reunion party of your class.    Write an email to him,    1)telling him the purpose of the party, time and place of the party, etc. :    2)expressing your wish for his accepting the invitation.    You should write approximately 100 words. Do not use your own name at the end of your email. Use “Wang Lin” instead.

正确答案:Dear John Smith,    I am writing to invite you to attend the reunion party of our class, which will be held on Friday, the 18th of January at 7:00 o’ clock p. m. at the Spring Hotel, No. 120, Jianguo Road. We have graduated for 5 years and we all missed the beautiful atmosphere of the college life. That is why we hold this party trying to recollect our early memories. We take pleasure in inviting you to join us. If you accept our sincere invitation, please inform us at your earliest convenience, enabling us to make the necessary preparations.         Yours Sincerely,   Wang Lin

解析:    此篇作文是应用文文体,是邀请以前的英语老师来参加班级聚会。写作时,首先应该注意邀请函的格式。其次要注意正文部分的写作层次:文章的开头就要说明写信人的目的,即邀请老师参加班级聚会,然后要说明本次聚会的目的、时间和地点,这一部分语言要简练清晰。最后要表示对对方接受邀请的希望,并表明希望尽早得到回复,以便有所安排。  

Part B

67. Below is a chart showing the number of students wearing glasses within a class of 50 students in a junior high school. Look at the chart and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points:    1)tendency of short-sightedness among the students:    2)possible reasons and solutions to the problem.

正确答案:         Poor Eyesight among Students    From the picture, we can see that the number of students wearing glasses in a class of 50 is on the rise from 16 in 2010 to 34 in 2012. Actually, the phenomenon is universal in junior and senior schools in China. But what brings about this problem for our youngsters?    In my opinion, heavy learning is the first reason. Nowadays students have to devote more time to learning, which often leads to overtired eyes. Secondly, weak sense of protection is also responsible for the poorer eyesight among the young people. Finally, an unbalanced diet is also to blame. Figuring out the causes, I strongly suggest the students take every possible measures to protect their eyesight. For example, taking several breaks during learning to relax the eyes: avoiding the overuse of the eyes: having a more balanced diet.

解析:    这是一篇看图作文。首先要明确题目的要求:既要求描述图片的内容又要找出可能的原因并给出解决问题的方法。其次在描述图片中的情景或问题现状时,要抓住要点,精确描写问题现状。另外,在提出解决问题的方法时,要注意条理。  

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